Tag: AI

  • A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…

    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words…

    Eduardo Ordax, a GenAI Lead at AWS, makes an excellent point with his visual analogy – I love it! This should not discourage people from learning how to create and tune prompts, just understand where that sits on the spectrum. You will need to learn more if you truly want to strategically leverage AI tools and…

  • Gen AI Has a Cash Flow Problem

    Gen AI Has a Cash Flow Problem

    Over the past month, I have had several discussions with people looking to make strategic decisions about leveraging existing Generative AI platforms in their businesses. While I am a big proponent of using AI to improve your business and efficiency, I am urging caution about banking too much of your business with these large public…

  • Trying Out AI Agents: Less Cowboy, More Safety Goggles

    Trying Out AI Agents: Less Cowboy, More Safety Goggles

    Over the past several weeks, many AI LLM providers have released or announced pending releases of AI agents that can take control of your computer and perform complex tasks that can access multiple tools and systems. The following are some examples of what is available and coming soon:– Claude’s Computer Use by Anthropic– Copilot Studio…